Choose the best word to complete these sentences.’s easy to deal with ………………………………..people. a)anxious; b) gloomy; c) sociable; d)disappointed 2.i like it when people are ………………………. and never late. a) indifferent; b)punctual; c) careless; d) awkward bothers me when someone is ……………………………… . a)responsible; b) irresponsible; c)attentive; d) skilled 4. katherine is known to be a very …………………. person; she shows her feelings easily. a) emotional; b)cool; c) quiet; d) reserved 5.the people who chew gum when they are talking are ……………………. a) ill- mannered; b) polite; c) cruel; d) strong- willed 6. i think a boss should be …………………………… . a) double- faced; b) hot- tempered; c) arrogant; d)broad- minded 7. nobody can trust george. he always promises to do something but never does it. he is not ……………………. , is he? a)aggressive; b)reliable; c) independent; d) sensitive 8) our new colleague does not ask questions about every detail; he seems to be quite……………………………. a) concentrated; b) careless; c) hard-working; d)competent ! это единственный шанс чтобы получить хорошую оценку в полугодие

Нияз170406 Нияз170406    3   03.10.2019 16:40    18

Hhjkklknbggfddxxg Hhjkklknbggfddxxg  10.09.2020 23:59

1.It’s easy to deal with ………………………………..people. a)anxious; c) sociable;

2.I like it when people are ………………………. And never late. b)punctual;

3.It bothers me when someone is …… b) irresponsible;

4. Katherine is known to be a very …………………. person; . a) emotional;

5.The people who chew gum when they are talking are …. . a) ill- mannered;

6. I think a boss should be …………………………… .  d)broad- minded

7. He is not ……………………. , is he?  b)reliable;

8)  he seems to be quite… b) careless;

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