Choose the best variant to compplete each sentence. 1.we television every night a)watched b)are watching c)watch d)have watched 2.look! john the street a)is crossing b)crosses c)crossed d)will cross 3.they to a new flat two years ago a)have moved b)had moved c)will mowe d)moved 4.he out his car when he heard a whistle a)got b)was getting c)has got d)had got 5.i a new's in front of the house a)have bought b)am buying c)bought d)had bought

Marmar20052110 Marmar20052110    1   05.07.2019 19:30    0

Горова2007 Горова2007  29.07.2020 07:26
1. С
2. A
3. В
4. B
5. A
Мишка12лэд Мишка12лэд  29.07.2020 07:26
1) watch
2) is crossing
3) had moved
4) was getting
5)have bought
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