Choose the best option and mark a, b, c or d. “like us, they had been coming … that same motel … 1975. a) from, in b) off, in c) away, in d) to, in e) through, on 2. zelda … for 10 hours before she managed to finish her task. a) been working b) had been working c) was working d) worked e) is being worked 3. “once … a while we went … the movies … the theatre … the corner … las olas boulevard and castillo avenue. a) on, in, in, on, at b) of, through, at, of, in c) in, to, at, at, of d) in, to, of, of, of e) in, from, of, at, at

Samoilov2903 Samoilov2903    3   07.07.2019 13:10    2

Котик0303 Котик0303  30.07.2020 19:52
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