Choose the best answer a), b), c) or d).
1 You look exhausted. I ... you finish the paperwork.
a) am helping b) help c) I'll help d)'ll be helping
2 Why don't you go out and have some fun? You ... young.
a) aren't always
b) won't always be
c) aren't always being d) are not always going to be
3 You'd better take the laundry in. I've just heard on the radio that
there ... a violent storm in the afternoon.
a) is b) is going to be c) will be d) is being
4 She ... the job. She has already accepted another offer.
a) is taking b) is not going to take
c) doesn't take d ) will be taking
5 We have to go now. The last train ... at 11.30. p.m.
a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving d) 'll be leaving
6 She is not a child anymore. She ... 16 in less than a month.
a) is b) is going to be c) will be d) shall be 10 класс

tatulia32 tatulia32    3   21.04.2020 14:08    2

svetik10987 svetik10987  13.10.2020 14:26

ответ:1)D 2)B 3)D 4)B 5)C 6)C

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