Choose the answer: 1. The website “” is read as “double u double u double u glamour …”: a) point com b) dot com c) period com 2. The car turned round … . a) the angle b) the edge c) the corner 3. The correct transcription of the word “graduate”: a) ['gredjueɪt] b) ['grædjueɪt] c) [grædju'eɪt] 4. … the age of sixteen pupils take a national exam. a) on b) at c) in 5. If we had left earlier, we … the train. a) would have caught b) would catch c) will catch 6. His nephew lives in … Hague. a) – b) a c) the 7. The executive branch of power … by the president. a) is headed b) are headed c) is being headed 8. She said that she … her holidays in the Crimea the year before. a) spent b) had spent c) would spend 9. For … information, please, call 84-23-71. a) farther b) further c) the furthest 10. Peter … return the book to the library. We all want to read it. a) can b) may c) must

stf74149 stf74149    1   22.06.2020 10:15    2

12346Djigd 12346Djigd  15.10.2020 14:37

1. The website “” is read as “double u double u double u glamour …”: b) dot com 2. The car turned round … . c) the corner 3. The correct transcription of the word “graduate”: b) ['grædjueɪt] 4. … the age of sixteen pupils take a national exam. b) at 5. If we had left earlier, we … the train. a) would have caught 6. His nephew lives in … Hague. c) the 7. The executive branch of power … by the president. a) is headed 8. She said that she … her holidays in the Crimea the year before. b) had spent 9. For … information, please, call 84-23-71. b) further 10. Peter … return the book to the library. We all want to read it. c) must

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