Choose one topic and write an informal letter…… 1. …… to your friend about your summer travels. 2. …… about your adventurous story involving a cat. - did you enjoy staying there? why? - when/where did it happen? - what were you shocked about? - what did you feel? - would you like to go back there again? - why won’t you forget this story? assessment criteria • you should write100-120 words. • the letter must be written in the proper register: introduction, body, and conclusion and must contain at least 6 linking words/phrases used relevantly. • the letter contains diverse literary lexical units properly used in context. the topical vocabulary is well-selected and used appropriately. • the letter contains a range of complex grammar structures. • the writer uses own life experiences in the letter. (at least 2 examples) перевод выбрать одну тему и написать неофициальное письмо…… 1. … другу о своих летних путешествиях. 2. … о вашей авантюрной с участием кошки. - тебе понравилось там? причина? - когда/где это произошло? - что вы были шокированы? - что ты чувствуешь? - ты хочешь туда вернуться? - почему ты не хочешь забыть эту ? критерий оценки • вы должны write100-120 слов. * письмо должно быть написано в соответствующем регистре: введение, тело и заключение и должно содержать по крайней мере 6 слов/фраз, используемых соответствующим образом. * письмо содержит различные лексические единицы, правильно используемые в контексте. тематический словарь хорошо подобран и используется соответствующим образом. * буква содержит ряд сложных грамматических структур. * в письме писатель использует собственный жизненный опыт. (по крайней мере 2 примера) !

ромакравчук12 ромакравчук12    3   16.09.2019 13:20    1

Vkomarova Vkomarova  07.10.2020 19:46

Hi John,

How's it going? Are you on holiday? I hope you're well.

I'd like to tell you a strange story that happened in summer, when my friend was at his granny's. His grandma from the countryside had a little cat named Kuzya.

One day when Kuzya was sleeping quietly on the sofa, my friend went to a loggia to bring a jar of jam. When he came to the glass loggia door, he saw that Kuzya was looking at him from there. he didn’t believe his eyes because the little kitten was sleeping behind him on the sofa. he turned round and saw that Kuzya was really sleeping. Then my friend looked again through the glass of the door – the kitten was also sitting there and mewing.

My friend was frightened and didn’t understand what was happening. When my friend decided to open the door of the loggia, the kitten came out from there. It looked like Kuzya. He was little too, but thinner and his fur was a bit darker.

My friend lived on the first floor. The window of the loggia was opened. Everybody understood that that kitten was thrown through an open window. He was really hungry. My friend fed it and gave it to his neighbours.

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