Choose much, many, a lot of, a little, a few, etc. to complete the sentences 1. If I want to pass the exam, I need to study
a) many
b) a lot of
c) a lot
sugar do you take in your tea?
a) How little
b) how many
c) How much
3. Dad. I need
money for school.
a little
b) many
c) a few
4. There are
things that you can do to improve your writing.
a) a little
b) a few
c) any
5. "How many computers do you have?'"
a) no
b) None
c) any
6. There was
tension at the meeting |
a) much
b) many
c) a lot of​

baburkanybekoff baburkanybekoff    1   04.03.2021 13:46    2

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