Choose a, the or no article and fill in the gaps. 1. people of new york love to relax in … central park. 2. … dinner we had yesterday was great. 3. one of the most interesting places in new york is … statue of liberty. 4. a lot of tourists from … russia, … germany, … france and other countries come to … usa every year. 5. … lunch isn’t ready yet. wait a minute! 6. my friend is in … hospital. he has broken his leg. 7. andrew is still in … bed. we must wake him up! 8. we had … delicious dinner at carnegie deli. 9. go to … fifth avenue and then turn right into … 32th street.

Мастер002 Мастер002    1   09.08.2019 05:50    4

Rayana555 Rayana555  04.10.2020 06:42

1. People of New York love to relax in _ Central Park.

2. The dinner we had yesterday was great.

3. One of the most interesting places in New York is the Statue of Liberty.

4. A lot of tourists from _ Russia, _Germany,_France and other countries come to the USA every year.

5. The lunch isn’t ready yet. Wait a minute!

6. My friend is in _ hospital. He has broken his leg.

7. Andrew is still in _bed. We must wake him up!

8. We had a delicious dinner at Carnegie Deli.

9. Go to _ Fifth Avenue and then turn right into _ 32nd Street.

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