Choose a, b or c. 1.i didn't finish that book in the end. a) i did too b) i haven't either c) neither did i. 2. lee and kerry both live in gilbert road. a) i do too. b) so have i. c) i don't either 3. kim won't come to the party on saturday a) neither will pay b) ray will too c) so will ray. 4. my daughter can swim fifty metres. a) mine can't either b) neither can mine. c) so can mine 5. i have never seen a shakespeare play. a) i have too b) i haven't either b) neither did i 6. my brother is gping to try scuba diveng a) neither is diane b) diane is too c) diane isn't either.

максим1691 максим1691    2   06.08.2019 02:20    0

КотиКомпотик КотиКомпотик  19.08.2020 23:26
2. a
3. a
4. c
5. b
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