Children attend secondary achool between th and 16 yearm. many atudents will hoone to atay further two yeara after thin. at the beginning of beco idari studenta study a wide variety of subjects, but one of th differences between the british and american chool that the british studenta specialize in their chosen buli earlier. most local schoola welcome american student to through age 18, but this may depend on their progress in up to the end of key stage 3(age 14), all stude the same curriculum which includes english, mathematul oeienpin science(physics, chemistry and biology), history, languages, ict(information and computer tech religious education, physical education, music, drama, design& technology(woodwork, metalwork, cookery, tea etc.) and pshe(personal, social and health education) 5, listen to the text about studenta' choosing subjects an say text maya about the following numbers. 13.14 10 and 11 two year