Engine in 1833.
The wonderful world of computers
British mathematician and inventor
considered almost obsolete, the floppy
les Babbage designed the Analytical
disk still has some limited uses. The
floppy disk symbol is still used by
It was the first computer and it was
software on user interface elements
chanical. Babbage spent 37 years
related to saving files, the 'Save' icon in
ng to build this machine, but the
most computer programs is a picture of a
technology was too difficult for him.
However, modern computers are based on
(D) The first electronic computer was
his original design and he is remembered
developed in 1946, filled an entire room
as the father of the computer'.
and weighed over 30 tons! It could do an
(B) Hackers' are the biggest worry
impressive 5,000 calculations per second.
for computer companies. They can enter
(E) The first computer game, Pong,
a company's computer network through
(a version of table tennis) was created in
an open port or an Internet connection.
1972 by a student from the USA. Today
crack the entry passwords and steal the
there are thousands of games. Companies
have brought a lot of new technology
(C) For more than two decades before into the gaming world to produce the
the 1990s, floppy disks were the best highest quality graphics. The games are
way to store, transfer or back up data. becoming much more real.
Like all things in the computer industry, (F) Today computers come in all shapes
the capacity of the floppy disk has and sizes — from the enormous super
changed considerably over the years. The
computers and mainframes, that have to
most popular floppy disk can hold up to
be kept in special temperature-controlled
1.44 megabytes of data (about 700 pages
rooms, to handhelds. Some handhelds
of text). Modern USB flash drives, including the iPhone have mini thumb
portable external hard disk drives, optical touch keyboards, and others handhelds
discs, memory cards, and computer have touch screens that you use with your
networks are data storage devices with finger or a pen-like tool called a stylus.
much greater capacity. Although now
secret data.
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