Change the sentences keeping the same meaning. 1. bob and i woll probably go to see a new film tomorrow. bob will go to see a new film tomorrow. 2. jane maked very nice dresses. jane is very 3. my friend speaks very good chinese. my friend is very 4. books and journals are not sold in this shop. neither 5. the pupils and their parents didn't enjoy the play. neither

8639 8639    1   29.06.2019 13:50    1

Mashaf555 Mashaf555  23.07.2020 13:53
2 at dressing
3 Chinese speacker
4 books nor journals are sold
5 pupils and their parents enjoyed the play
РенаКОСЫРЕВА РенаКОСЫРЕВА  23.07.2020 13:53
1.So, Bob is going to see a new film tomorrow.
2.Jane is a very good tailor.
3.My friend is a very good Chinese speaker.
4.Neither books nor journals are sold in this shop.
5.Neither pupils nor their parents enjoyed the play.
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