change the sentences from direct into reported speech
1. "The concert finished at four", John said
2. "I've finished the report", said Mary
3. "I'll be late", she said to me
4. "We'll have dinner in a cafe", they said to their mother
5. "I'm joining the Maths Club at school", he said
6. "The bell is ringing", Rosie said
7. "Nobody has to do it", my mum said
8. "They can speak about it later", Bill noticed​

matwej2201 matwej2201    2   19.10.2020 02:49    25

Сергей34678899944 Сергей34678899944  18.11.2020 02:49

1.John said that he has finished at tour

2.Mary said that she has finished the report

3.She said that se'll be late

4.They said to their mother that they will have a dinner in cafe

5.He said that he is joining the Maths Club at school

6.Rosie sad that the bell is ringing

7.My mun said that nobody has to do it

8.Bill noticed that they can speak about it later

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