Change the active sentences into passive ones. use by when necessary. 1. did augustus saint-gaudens design the coin? was 2. someone bought it for 7.6m at a new york auction in 2002. it 3. have they ever revealed the buyer's identity? has 4.they have discovered ten more double eagle coins since 2002. ten more double eagle coins 5. the general public cannot see them at the moment. they 6. they keep the coins at fort knox in the usa. the coins 7. the us mint should exhibit the coins to the public soon. the coins

taxirkuliev taxirkuliev    2   15.09.2019 00:20    0

Yuliya0264 Yuliya0264  07.10.2020 15:38
1Was the coin designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens?
2It was bought by somebody. for 7.6m at a New York auction in 2002.
3Has the buyer's identity ever been revealed by them?
4Ten more Double Eagle coins  have been discovered by them since 2002.
5They cannot been seen by the general public at the moment.
6The coins are kept  at Fort Knox in the USA.
7The coins should be exhibited by the US mint to the public soon.
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