Change into indirect speech. 1.the pupil asks,"is the thames in great britain? " friend asks,"does she speak german? " 3.he says ,"japanese is a difficult language." 4betty says,"my father works in the usa." 5.he asks,"does yor mother know any foreign languages? " 6.the woman asks,"do you get up at seven? " 7.the teacher asks,"can you tell the lesson? " 8.the teacher says,"rome is the capital of italy." 9.the man asks me,"do you learn french at scholl? " 10.mary says,"there are four oceans in the world ."

maryanamishukova maryanamishukova    1   29.09.2019 15:30    1

DimaVlasov1 DimaVlasov1  09.10.2020 03:10

1 asks if the Thames is in Great Britain

2 asks is dhe speaks Cerman

3 that ..как оригинал..

4 that her father .. как оригинал..

5 if my  mother knows some..

6 if I get up...

7 if I can tell ..

8 that  ... как оригинал

9 if I learn ..

10 that как оригинал

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