Card 8 - «Earth and our place in it» 1. What is climate change? 2. What is the evidence of global warming? 3. How will the weather change? 4. What is the international community doing?

DXDynamic31 DXDynamic31    1   21.12.2021 04:40    8

DimaNewPARK DimaNewPARK  21.12.2021 06:00

1. Climate change is the observed and predicted long-term changes in average climatic indicators caused by human activity, as well as climate variability, including such anomalies as droughts, severe storms and floods

2. The human influence on the increase in atmospheric and ocean temperatures, changes in the global hydrological cycle, a decrease in the amount of snow and ice, an increase in the global mean sea level and some extreme climatic phenomena has been established.

3. The weather will change in the direction of warming due to human activity

4. Developed countries are trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as this is the main cause of climate change

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