Card 3
1. tell about a hobby that is popular among teenagers today.
2. what is the hobby?
3. why is it popular?
4. do you know anyone who likes it? сделать к сегодняшнему днюпрямо сейчас умоляю вас ответить на все вопросы ​

Lizaliza123123 Lizaliza123123    2   22.09.2019 11:47    9

ХУХ00001 ХУХ00001  27.08.2020 01:50

1.I Have a friend an he's hobby is play computer games

2.A hobby or hobby is a type of human activity, a certain occupation that is practiced at leisure, for enjoyment.

3.. Hobby is popular cause this is a type of human

4.My friend Bobby, Anna and Rick

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