Card 11. in your opinion, are vegetarians healthier than people who eat a lot of meat? 2. do you agree that women worry more about their diet than men? why or why not? 3. what do you think about your own eating? 4. is there any kind of food that you can’t eat? card 21. is food fuel or pleasure to you? why? 2. have you ever eaten “unhealthy’ food? 3. how do you feel about eating junk food? 4. what food do you like to eat when the weather is cold? card 31. what’s your dream job? 2. does your job require a lot of training or experience? what are they? 3. do you need to be physically strong to do it? 4. what is the future trend of popular jobs? card 41. what is the usual retirement age for men and women in your country? 2. what do you think is the best age to retire? 3. when would you like to retire? 4. what would you like to do when you retire? card 51. what kinds of job are not popular among young people? 2. what do you think is the worst job in the world? why? 3. what unusual jobs do you know? 4. would you like to do an unusual job in the future? card 61. what restaurant in place you live do you recommend? 2. why is it a good place? 3. what is your opinion about eating out? 4. what food do you prefer most: homemade or take-away? card 71. do you think that food defines a culture? if so, how? 2. what are the eating habits in your country? 3. are there any foods that bring back special memories for you? 4. are there any eating rules in your family? card 81. do you think taking a year off is a new trend? 2. in your opinion, what are the advantages of taking a gap year? 3. what are the disadvantages of taking a gap year? ? 4. are you planning to take a gap year after school or rather continue studying? ответьте на эти билеты 50 . мне надо. завтра уже будет сор​

anastasiya11лет anastasiya11лет    2   14.05.2019 12:50    4

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