C Complete with one word. 18 You're in room 208. Here's your
19 When you travel to another country you need to
show your passport or
20 He's a
He flies planes.
21 These windows aren't clean. They are very
22 People usually put milk and fresh food in the
23 A Did you put the car in the
B No, I left it in the street.
24 You can buy aspirins or antibiotics in
25 You can buy stamps and send letters in

айс1705 айс1705    2   28.01.2021 16:39    42

nioniker nioniker  21.12.2023 11:19
18. room
Explanation: The sentence suggests that the person is in a room, specifically room 208.

19. passport
Explanation: When traveling to another country, one needs to show their passport as a form of identification.

20. pilot
Explanation: The sentence mentions that "he" flies planes, so the missing word describes his profession, which is a pilot.

21. dirty
Explanation: The sentence states that the windows are not clean but instead very something. To complete the sentence, we need an adjective describing the windows, and "dirty" fits the context.

22. fridge
Explanation: The sentence mentions that people usually put milk and fresh food in something, but the word is missing. Considering the options given, "fridge" is the most appropriate word to complete the sentence.

23. garage
Explanation: In this conversation, person A is asking whether person B put the car in the something. Person B responds by saying that they left it in the street. The word missing from the question is "garage," as it is a place where people usually park their cars.

24. pharmacy
Explanation: The sentence suggests that one can buy aspirins or antibiotics in a certain place. This place is commonly known as a "pharmacy."

25. post office
Explanation: The sentence states that one can buy stamps and send letters in something specific. The missing word in the sentence is "post office," as it is a place where people can buy stamps and send letters.
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