быстрей _
просто так кратко нельзя

obona02 obona02    2   08.12.2020 19:41    0

Ryslan090 Ryslan090  07.01.2021 19:44

1. I didn't think about you yesterday

2. She didn't go to the park

3. The teacher didn't find your memory stick

4. We didn't study the history of county

5. We didn't give Brett a lift to school

1. Did you help Ben?

2. Did you use my phone?

3. Could you get WiFi?

4. Did she buy a new laptop?

5. Were you at home yesterday?

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

4) 1. Media

2. Account

3. Viral

4. Fundraising

5. Forum

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