Быстрей! час до выхода в школу! complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. 0 1 many people say that children have too much (free) these days 2 oprah winfrey is a popular tv (person) 3 for many people fighting in vietnam was an act of great (brave) 4 we had a very (peace) evenings without the children. 5 i hate watching (violence) films on tv 6 many blacks fought against (slave) 7 my new job gives me financial (independent) from my parents 8 for many of my friends from work (happy) means a good job and a lot of money

Max638 Max638    1   28.03.2019 09:00    0

mihscka0605 mihscka0605  07.06.2020 04:06

1 Many people say that children have too much FREEDOM these days
2 Oprah Winfrey is a popular TV PERSONALITY
3 For many people fighting in Vietnam was an act of great braveRY
4 We had a very peaceFUL evenings without the children.
5 I hate watching violence films on TV
6 Many blacks fought against .slaveRY
7 My new job gives me financial ...independeNCE from my parents
8 For many of my friends from work happINESS means a good job and a lot of money

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