Буду ! complete each sentence with an adjetive from the box. there are some extra. example: my friend tom never says bad things about me. he is very loyal. слова: bossy cheetful dull friendly helpful impatient jealous mean modest patient rude sensible sociable talkative unfriendly shy. предложения: 1) my cousin marta often tells me what to do. she is bit 2) if your homework is difficult, you can ask helen. she is always very and she will explain it to you. 3) my sister is always very everything in her room is in the right place. norhing is 4) how ronald is! he is the most boring person in my class. 5) my neighbour is not generous. in fact, he is often quite 6) ted is making me crazy. now he is happy and five minutes later angry. i can't stand people! 7) my cousin betty never shares her candies with her friends. she's so nobode matters. 8) we really enjoy parties. we are very and 9) luke is very sometimes you don't know he is there. 10) my english teacher is always very she will explain us anything if we don't understand it.

snsn snsn    1   21.06.2019 11:20    12

Ясмина1604 Ясмина1604  16.07.2020 23:58
3. modest       dull
8.cheerful and sociable
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