Будьласка до ть
1. Make up the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1) These documents (must sign) today.
2) This work (could finish) a week ago.
3) Dictionaries (can not use) during the exam.
4) The application (must fill in) with a pen.
5) The sick child (should examine) by the doctor.
6) The photocopier (may use) by anyone.
7) This story (should not tell) to little children.
8) Mobile phones (must not use) during a flight in airplanes.
9) The dog (should take) to the vet.
10) The parcel (could not deliver) yesterday.
2. Choose the correct item.
1) The teacher pointed / was pointed out my mistakes.
2) All the preparations have already been done / have already done.
3) You will be met / will meet by the guide at the bus stop.
4) The porter has already brought / has already been brought your luggage.
5) Your car must service / must be serviced at once.
6) You can pay / can be paid this bill a bit later.
7) The murderer sent / was sent to life imprisonment.
8) This plant produces / is produced household appliances.
9) These tickets has just been delivered / has just delivered.
10) The computer is using / is being used now.
3. Change the sentences using the Passive Voice.
Ex. They asked the policeman for help. (речення вжите у Past Simple, тому користуємося формулою для Past Simple Passive (was/were + Ved (V3), знаходимо об’єкт дії (в даному випадку – policeman), виносимо його на перше місце, вживаючи Past Simple Passive: The policeman was asked for help.)
1) Peter gave me these photos two days ago.
2) We have already sent for the doctor.
3) Sue will look after the children tomorrow.
4) A lot of students use the Internet nowadays.
5) Jessica hasn’t cooked dinner yet.
6) They are picking the vegetables right now.
7) You should switch off your computer for the night.
8) You haven’t cleaned this room for weeks.
9) You must take this mixture three times a day.
10) Mary doesn’t take her children to the cinema every week.
11) She sent him an e-mail last Tuesday.
12) The children were laughing at the clown.

таня44448 таня44448    3   14.05.2020 21:51    1

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