Bubepiri npasnnoHnn BapiaHT 1 What language Every day? Boris a) do. learn: b) does. learnc) does learns 2. In winter the weather .. 3. My cousin is very aj hot and sunny b) cold and nasty: c frosty and snow He always says "please" and thank you al charming b) polite c) energetie 4 library rules. You should.. a) use pens-b) return books in time tear the pages 5. look! Ann Hopscotch naw. alam playing b) is playing: c) plays 6 My mother always..at the shopping mall a) do shopping. tb) is doing shopping: c) does shopping

Kronk123 Kronk123    2   20.05.2020 14:43    2

PonchikPonchikovuy PonchikPonchikovuy  06.08.2020 12:54

1. does learn

2. hot and sunny

3. polite

4. return books in time

5. is playing

6. does shopping

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