Botanical garden... (to water) every day? - Yes, they ... . Today they ... (to water) just an hour ago. 3) ... Tom's advertisement ... (to place) in the local newspaper last week? - ... (to publish) again next week. 4) every day? - Yes, it ... . It the office ... (to clean) No, it ... . It ... (to clean) three times a week. 5)... Pamela's new song ... (to record) next month? | Yes, it ... . And the disc... (to release) in two months. 6) ... the photocopier often ... (to use) in your institute? — Yes, it ... . 7) ... our flat ... (to redecorate) next week? - No, it ... . Unfortunately, the wallpapers (not to deliver) yesterday and we can't continue our work now. 8) ... the new software... (to set) up yesterday? No, it ... (not to set up) because of the problems with electricity in your office. It ... (to set) up tomorrow morning. 9) A terrible crime ... (to commit) in our town two days ago. The results of the investigation... (to report) in the news programme in some minutes. 10) ... olive oil... (to produce) in France? — No, it ... (to make) in Spain and Greece.​

smaile2 smaile2    1   10.02.2021 22:49    3

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