Бар 5.-1 No 10
1. I wonder why late
a) they b) they are c) are they
2. Neither Kate nor her friends ... the game
a) never play b) don't play c) play
3. Mary offers ... some sandwich
a) make b) to make c) makes
4. Inga buys neither cheese ... butter
a) and
b) or c) nor
5. Granny asks me ... eat ice cream.
a) don't b) not
6. She asks where
a) do they live
b) they live c) have they lived
c) not to
7. Who ... the computer the other day?
a) used
b) has used
c) did use
8. Either Boris or Peter ... spoken to the teacher about it.
a) is
b) have
c) has
9. Jerry asked ... snow the next week.
a) will it b) if it will c) if it would
10.. ... of them lives in Vladimir?- a) Which b) Who c) What​

Aidana130234 Aidana130234    3   09.04.2021 17:03    4

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