B) there is (are)/present simple/present continuous/imperatives …. 20,000 students in this university. a) are there, b) there are, c) there is, d) – 1. nick … to france every year to visit his family. a) is going, b) he goes, c) go, d) goes 2. when … have lunch? a) are you, b) you are, c) do you, d) you 3. i … outside the theatre right now. a) am standing, b) standing, c) stand, d) is standing 4. please … to class on time. we start at 9: 00. a) we come, b) come, c) you’re coming, d) comes 5. – do you like chips? – yes, i … . a) am, b) do, c) don’t, d) like 6. what … these days? a) are you doing, b) do you do, c) you are doing, d) you do 7. walk! … run! a) no, b) not, c) don’t, d) you don’t

SEMKA22444 SEMKA22444    1   28.05.2019 05:30    5

ogurhik ogurhik  25.06.2020 15:38
1.   Nick… to France every year to visit his family., d) goes
2.  When… have lunch?   c) do you,
3. I … outside the theatre right now.   a) am standing,
4. Please… to class on time. We start at 9:00. b) come,
5. Do you like chips?   – Yes, I  b) do,
6. What… these days? a) are you doing,
7.  Walk!   c) Don’t, … run!
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