B There are mistakes in seven out of these ten sentences. Rewrite them correctly. 0 My boyfriend, which father is a scientist wants to study mathematics.
My boyfriend, whose father is a scientist,
wants to study mathematics.
00 He made a few suggestions about how we could spend the money.
/ 10

1 Roosevelt that became famous for his military achievements was the 26th president of the US.

2 I’d like John to come to our party. He tells so funny jokes.

3 Our biology teacher made a great influence on Tom’s future career.

4 Many pupils use their mobile phones at school, what is considered unacceptable.

5 Richard used to be crazy about British rock groups such as The Rolling Stones.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 2

6 I read an article who discussed the issue of euthanasia in some depth.

7 He was such unpredictable that Ann decided to break off her engagement.

8 I got fed up with being criticised by people from other advertising agencies.

9 There are a lot of teenagers who have a good command of a foreign language.

10 Fresh evidence suggests that the woman may be forced to commit suicide.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 3

C Complete the idioms with one appropriate word. Then explain in English the meaning of each idiom.
0 She was as sick as a dog . She was very ill.
1 It’s a pity he let the cat out of the .
2 Margaret has always been the black . of the family.
3 I’m not going to join the rat .
4 She has a bee in her about dancing.
5 My Scottish niece, who only speaks English, feels like a fish out of when she goes abroad.

александр383 александр383    1   08.01.2021 14:27    5

Svetkoooo Svetkoooo  07.02.2021 14:32

B There are mistakes in seven out of these ten sentences. Rewrite them correctly.

1 Roosevelt that became famous for his military achievements was the 26th president of the US.

Roosevelt, who became famous for his military achievements, was the 26th president of the US.

2 I’d like John to come to our party. He tells so funny jokes.

I’d like John to come to our party. He tells such funny jokes.

3 Our biology teacher made a great influence on Tom’s future career.

Our biology teacher had a great influence on Tom’s future career.

4 Many pupils use their mobile phones at school, what is considered unacceptable.

Many pupils use their mobile phones at school, which is considered unacceptable.

5 Richard used to be crazy about British rock groups such as The Rolling Stones.      correct

6 I read an article who discussed the issue of euthanasia in some depth.  

I read an article that discussed the issue of euthanasia in some depth.

7 He was such unpredictable that Ann decided to break off her engagement.

He was so unpredictable that Ann decided to break off her engagement.

8 I got fed up with being criticised by people from other advertising agencies.     correct

9 There are a lot of teenagers who have a good command of a foreign language.     correct

10 Fresh evidence suggests that the woman may be forced to commit suicide.

Fresh evidence suggests that the woman may have been forced to commit suicide.  

C Complete the idioms with one appropriate word. Then explain in English the meaning of each idiom.    

1 It’s a pity he let the cat out of the bag. It’s a pity he revealed the secret.

2 Margaret has always been the black sheep of the family. Margaret has always done things that brought embarrassment to her family.

3 I’m not going to join the rat race. I’m not going to compete with them for power and money.  

4 She has a bee in her bonnet about dancing. She never stops talking about dancing.    

5 My Scottish niece, who only speaks English, feels like a fish out of water when she goes abroad.

My Scottish niece, who only speaks English, feels very uncomfortable when she goes abroad.    

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