B Some other uses of will and would (2-3) Complete the conversations. Put in will, won't, would or wouldn't with these verbs:
eat, give, go, help, let, like, open, stand
Have you noticed how thin Jessica has got?
Rachel: She's on a diet. She won't eat
anything except carrots.
1 Harriet: Mike and I
you get everything ready.
Yes, we're quite willing to lend a hand.
2 Laura: You're late. I thought you were going to leave work early today.
Trevor: Sorry. The boss
me go.
3 Mark: Sarah and I
you a lift, Mike.
Sarah: Yes, we're going your way.
4 Harriet: I heard Rita has quarrelled with her boyfriend.
Melanie: That's right. If he's invited to the party, she
5 Vicky: I've had enough of table tennis for one day.
Rachel: OK. Maybe Daniel ...
a game with me.
6 Trevor: What's wrong with the washing machine?
Laura: When I tried to use it earlier, the door
7 Mike: This lamp is always falling over.
Harriet: It...
up properly.​

samikby samikby    2   10.02.2021 14:36    6

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