B) Redu commercJ
summary of the event
award for the best student work.
thinking of asking for the help of students from other schools.
planting trees, and helping stray animals.
don't have to wait until you're grown up to do important things.”
• people • place •
highlights a
a) Choose the best headline for the article.
Fun at the club
Forsyth, Jim O'Sullivan and Carl Johnson created the Nature Madness Club and won the
save the environment. Tanya Brunton, Alicia Morton, Gina Montgomery, Clive
Madness was fun and less than a month later they had over 300 students. Now, they are
At first their club only had 30 members, but word soon got around that Nature
2 Nature Madness members took part in lots of after-school activities. They took classes
members organised different events and activities such as recycling or clean-up days,
the classes more interesting by using pictures and videos and so on. After that, the
to find out about pollution, recycling and conservation. The whole team helped to make
Mac Alpine, said at the ceremony, "I'm very proud of my students. They show that you
The mayor gave each student a gold medal for their good work. Their teacher, Barbara
b) 6 Listen again and make notes
Pick a report and give the class as​

mishtal2017 mishtal2017    2   24.11.2020 16:10    1

викуля1101 викуля1101  24.11.2020 16:20

The New York city area Mexico New Zealand Singapore to the New York city and I will be in touch with me and komment a good day I will send you the best of luck to you the New York city and I will send you the New York city area new post has a good time to the New post of luck in the future of our games and komment a good time and consideration in the New

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