B. put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous. 1. let's go out. it …… (not / rain). 2. …… (this computer / belong) to you? 3. i'm hungry. i …… (not / eat) anything since breakfast. 4. hurry up! everybody …… (wait) for you. 5. you're out of breath. …… (you / run)? 6. alan says he's 80 years old, but nobody …… (believe) him. 7. …… (you / hear) anything from brian recently? 8. my brother …… (be) an architect but he …… (not / work) at the moment. 9. my bike is ok again now. i …… (repair) it. 10. you …… (always / play) computer games! you should do something more active. 11. put the dictionary away, please. i …… (not / need) it now. 12. it's the first time he …… (drive) a car. 13. it …… (rain) for two hours already. 14. i …… (know) about the problem for a long time. 15. tim is still watching tv. he …… (watch) tv all day. 16. he …… (be) in hospital since monday. 17. how long …… (you / learn) english? 18. the weather …… (get) worse and worse these days. 19. i …… (have) this camera since i was 15. 20. the train …… (arrive) at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

ArtemyEvergreenIV ArtemyEvergreenIV    1   22.09.2019 13:45    10

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