b. Match the words in bold with their definitions. A А 1. a synonym to the words “needful, needed";necessary 2. a formal public occasion set by tradition to mark and celebrate an important event; 3. a structure used to describe that one object is identical to another one in size / quantity / intensity, etc. It is close to the meaning "similar"; 4. different from and usually better than what is normal or ordinary; 5. to be given, presented with something; 6. an adjective that means "of different kinds or sorts"; 7. a synonym to the verbs "find out, learn"; 8. characteristic, standard, usual; 9. to develop a habit to new conditions of life; 10. friendly words said to a group of people on a public occasion; 11. to be organised, to be arranged (about meetings, occasions, celebrations, etc.); 12. to celebrate an event. с The teacher A typic. come to assembl courtya front st

rasukka rasukka    1   03.09.2021 17:50    5

pamjatnichaja pamjatnichaja  03.09.2021 18:00

Там нодо делать так как надо

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