B Complete with a verb from the list. enjoy finish forget hate learn mind promise try
1 Don't to turn off the light before you go.
2 I want to speak Italian.
to make less noise, please?
to pay you back next week.
making cakes.
waiting here until I'm ready?
7 My parents are very punctual - they being late.
8 When are you going to using the computer? I need it!
3 Can you
5 I really
6 Do you

B Complete with a verb from the list. enjoy finish forget hate learn mind promise try 1 Don't to tur

даша3633 даша3633    2   25.02.2021 17:47    344

Dinka2103 Dinka2103  26.12.2023 16:52
1. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go.
To solve this sentence, we need to choose a verb from the list that fits the context. In this case, the correct verb is "forget." We use "forget" to indicate that someone should remember to do something. So, the correct sentence is "Don't forget to turn off the light before you go."

2. I want to speak Italian.
For this sentence, we need to choose a verb from the list. The correct verb in this case is "learn." "Learn" is used to indicate that someone wants to acquire knowledge or a new skill. So, the correct sentence is "I want to learn Italian."

3. Can you finish making cakes?
Here, the correct verb to use is "finish." "Finish" is used to indicate that someone completes a task. So, the correct sentence is "Can you finish making cakes?"

4. Will you mind to make less noise, please?
In this sentence, we need to choose a verb from the list. The correct verb to use is "mind." "Mind" is used to ask someone if they have any objection or if something bothers them. In this case, we want to ask someone if they would be bothered by making less noise. So, the correct sentence is "Will you mind making less noise, please?"

5. I really enjoy waiting here until I'm ready.
Here, the correct verb to use is "enjoy." "Enjoy" is used to express pleasure or satisfaction in doing something. So, the correct sentence is "I really enjoy waiting here until I'm ready."

6. Do you promise to pay me back next week?
In this case, the correct verb to use is "promise." "Promise" is used to assure someone that you will do something or keep your word. So, the correct sentence is "Do you promise to pay me back next week?"

7. My parents are very punctual - they hate being late.
Here, the correct verb to use is "hate." "Hate" is used to express a strong dislike or aversion towards something. So, the correct sentence is "My parents are very punctual - they hate being late."

8. When are you going to try using the computer? I need it!
In this sentence, the correct verb to use is "try." "Try" is used to indicate an attempt to do something or test something. Here, we want to ask someone when they will attempt or test using the computer. So, the correct sentence is "When are you going to try using the computer? I need it!"

In summary, the correct answers for the given sentences are:
1. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go.
2. I want to learn Italian.
3. Can you finish making cakes?
4. Will you mind making less noise, please?
5. I really enjoy waiting here until I'm ready.
6. Do you promise to pay me back next week?
7. My parents are very punctual - they hate being late.
8. When are you going to try using the computer? I need it!
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