B. Circle the correct words. 1. We went to the restaurant by / on foot. 2. A: Yesterday at school we did a brilliant experiment / invention! B: Wow, that's cool / horrible, 3. The sailors were very crowded / excited when they reached the coast. 4. The trip / voyage to the museum was interesting. 5. Don't eat that! It's poisonous / safe. 6. My aunt Julia got born / married in 2008. 7. The water in the swimming pool was a bit cold, but I didn't hope / mind. 8. I need to speak to Mr Noland immediately. It's important / incredible, Score

Kirillchakilev Kirillchakilev    1   08.12.2021 18:31    3

youngfng youngfng  26.01.2022 22:20

1.We went to the restaurant on foot. 2. A: Yesterday at school we did a brilliant invention! B: Wow, that's cool 3. The sailors were very excited when they reached the coast. 4. The trip to the museum was interesting. 5. Don't eat that! It's poisonous. 6. My aunt Julia got married in 2008. 7. The water in the swimming pool was a bit cold, but I didn't hope. 8. I need to speak to Mr Noland immediately. It's important,


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