Błagam o pomoc, czy możecie napisać jak się to czyta Honestly, I don't remember my parents reading a book to me. But I remember very well that in kindergarten, before going to bed, our teacher always read a book to us. As a child, I didn't have a favorite book, I liked all the books I knew. I don't really remember when I learned to read, but I guess it was first grade somewhere, or a bit worse. I remember how the teacher always called the student to her, she asked him to get up next to the teacher and read aloud a poem or a fairy tale. It was always terrible to read, but as I read quite well, it wasn't that much of a fear. Now at my age, I don't read enough. But I'm not saying that I don't read at all. Every month we should read a book from Lithuanian, I also read from Polish. But she can't say that I really like reading. If I had the opportunity not to read, I wouldn't be reading. But if there is any news on the internet, I always read.

larson6909 larson6909    3   11.10.2021 23:09    0

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