B) 5.54 Put the words in the correct order to form questions based on the text. Answer them.
1 Marco Polo/live/Did/Venice/in?
Did Marco Polo live in Venice? Yes, he did.
2 he/Asia /travel/his mother and father/Did/to/with?
3 the/Kublai Khan/court/of/they/Did/visit?
4 stay/they/Asia/17 years/Did/in/for?
5 Marco Polo/Did/explore/China/all/of?
6 1295/he/Did/return/Venice/to/in?
7 people/his/stories/enjoy/Did?
8 he/Did/die/1326/in?

B) 5.54 Put the words in the correct order to form questions based on the text. Answer them.1 Marco

ggez2 ggez2    3   29.01.2021 15:31    4

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