Қазақшаға the use plants for healing is undoubtedly the world`s oldest therapy . a knowledge of herbal remedies handed down from generation to generation . with the growth of artificial drug manufacture , the direct use of plants became unfashionable for a while. but in recent times people have again shown interestin herbalism as a system of medicine that issafe , natural and cheap . why is it so popular ? it activates the body`sown natural healing abilities . many herbs have antibiotic properties , butunlike the artificial ones they rapidlyreturn the body to a healthy state without damaging side – effects . universities and other research institutions have confirmed the value of the traditional use of whole herbs and also of the herbalists` tradition of picking plant remedies at certain times of day. they have found that at particular times the plants contain more of the substances that give them their healing powers. today , medical herbalists combine a detailed understanding of the human body with knowledge of a vast list of herbal remedies . furthermore , they are trained to search out the root cause of an illness . many herbs will correct the symptoms temporarily but it takes an experienced practitioner to identify the cause . for this reason it is necessary to consult a professional , even if you have read about the value of a remedy and matched it to an illness.

anna3548202 anna3548202    2   11.06.2019 07:10    1

clsagubar clsagubar  09.07.2020 10:49
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Қазақшаға the use plants for healing is undoubtedly the world`s oldest therapy . a knowledge of herb
Қазақшаға the use plants for healing is undoubtedly the world`s oldest therapy . a knowledge of herb
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