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Once a mother and her two daughters were visiting London. They did sightseeing for some time when they came to the building with a noticeboard «National Picture Gallery» on it. The girls wanted to go in for they never were in any picture gallery. But their mother visited a picture gallery in her childhood and knew what it was like. She explained to the girls that there were no «real pictures» (movies she meant), but mere paintings.

vadimminaev228 vadimminaev228    2   11.04.2020 19:51    10

littleeeprincess littleeeprincess  13.10.2020 02:31

Once a mother and her two daughters were visiting London. They had been sightseeing for some time when they came to the building with a noticeboard «National Picture Gallery» on it. The girls wanted to go in because they had never been to any picture gallery. But their mother had visited a picture gallery in her childhood and knew what it was like. She explained to the girls that they wouldn't see any «real pictures» (movies she meant), but only paintings.


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