Avstralia has got many rivers and beautiful beaches.it s aslo got a good climate.for this reason it s a perfect place for water sports! windsurfing and kitesurfing are popular sports.to do these sports you use a surfboard with a lagre sail or a surfboard with a large kite,to ride waves.water polo is a team sport.there are six players and a goalkeeper on eacg team.players swim,pass the ball and score goals.snorkelling is the perfekt way to discover the world under the sea.you can see the corals and multi coloured fish of the great barrier reef.

dzhuliya423555555555 dzhuliya423555555555    2   08.09.2019 23:00    0

Катя2731 Катя2731  20.08.2020 23:50
В Австралии много рек и прекрасныхпляжей.также в Австралии хороший климатДля этого сезона это прекрасное место для водных спортов!
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