аварийный выключатель, предохранительный выключатель

-замыкать и размыкать цепь

-предохранять от сверхтоков, от перегрузки

-постепенно выводится

III. Fill in blanks with the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense

1. When he ... in, I ... my exercises. come, do

2. What ... you yesterday at 8 o'clock? do

3. What ... you yesterday at 8 o'clock? do

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:

1. She already (answer) the letter.

2. I (not see) him for three years.

3. You (switch off) the light before you left the house?

4. I (not meet) him last week.

V. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary:

1. He is ... engineer by ... profession.

2. Usually I get up at ... 7 o'clock in ... morning.

3. ... Rostov is on ... right bank of... Don.

4. . ...Moscow is ... capital of … Russia.

5. ... Biology and Math’s were ... my favorite subjects at ... school

Aliya205 Aliya205    3   24.04.2020 22:24    5

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