At, on, in, since, for, until, from, during, after, to, before, with, of.
I wake up (1)
about 7.30 (2)
the week, but much later (3)

I wake up, I move very fast. In fact, I’m very good (5)
the mornings. I only need 20 minutes (6)
the time my alarm rings (7)
the time I leave the house. I don’t have breakfast (8)
home; I have to wait (9)
I arrive (10)
the office for a cup (11)

I start work (12)
9.00 and work (13)
4 hours. (14)
lunchtime, I often sit (15)
the park and read while I am eating my sandwiches. (16)
going back to the office, I do some shopping. The afternoon passes very quickly. I work (17)
6 o’clock and then I go (18)
home. I’ve been working for the same company (19)

the evenings, I usually watch (21)
TV or maybe go out for dinner (22)
some friends. I don’t go (23)
bed late because I have to get up for work (24)
the next day. (25)
the weekends, my routine is very different.

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