At home?
noi write questions from these words. use am/is/are.
1) (your parents at
2) (you interested in art? )
3) (the park open
4) (you at school? )
5) (your sister naughty? )
no2 write questions with what/who/how/where/why use am/is/are
1) (where my socks? )
2) (what colour his eyes? )
3) (how much these shoes? )
4) (why you always late? )
no3 ask the questions. (read the answers to the questions first.)

1) (your name? )
2) (married or single? )
3) (british)
4) (where/from? )
5) (how old? ) ..
6) (a student? )
7) (your wife a teacher? )
8) (where/
9) (hier name? )
10)( how to?
i am married.
no, i am not
from australia,
i am 25.
no, i am a teacher.
no, she is lawyer
she is italian
she is 25 too.
no4 write positive or negative short answers (yes, i am/no, he is not).
1) are you tall?
2) are you a teacher ?
3) is it dark now?
4) are you hungry?
5) is it sunny?

nataliolejic nataliolejic    2   14.09.2019 14:23    2

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