Asking names, telephone numbers and addresses 11 Complete the dialogue, then, in pairs, read it out. ? last name? spell that, please? A: 1) B: Wendy A: 2) A 2) B: Baker . A: 3) B: Of course, B-A-K-E-R A: 4) B: 27, Apple Street. A: 5) B: It's 888 3456 ...? 1 ? H Greeting people

Misha22313 Misha22313    3   12.01.2022 16:18    0

ban20050408 ban20050408  12.01.2022 16:20

1. what is your name? 2 what is your Last name? 3. Can you spell it? 4. What is your address? 5. What is your telephone number?


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