Ask for more things. Use the words from the box. box, bag, cup, carton, jug,plate, piece

1) Can I have another … of coffee?
2) Can we ask for another … of milk?
3) I’d like another … of sugar, please.
4) May I have another … of chalk, please?
5) I’d like to buy another … of pears.
6) Will you give me another … of orange juice?
7) I’d like another … of ham and eggs, please.
8) Could I have another … of chocolates?
9) Could I have another … of tea?
10) Have you got another … of pencils?​

vika12325 vika12325    2   17.07.2020 01:58    0

viktoriyabochko viktoriyabochko  15.10.2020 15:25

1) Can I have another cup of coffee?

2) Can we ask for another jug of milk?

3) I’d like another piece of sugar, please.

4) May I have another piece of chalk, please?

5) I’d like to buy another bag of pears.

6) Will you give me another jug of orange juice?

7) I’d like another plate of ham and eggs, please.

8) Could I have another box of chocolates?

9) Could I have another cup of tea?

10) Have you got another box of pencils?

katerina200219v katerina200219v  15.10.2020 15:25

 1) Can I have another cup of coffee?

2) Can we ask for another carton of milk?

3) I’d like another bag of sugar, please.

4) May I have another piece of chalk, please?

5) I’d like to buy another box of pears.

6) Will you give me another jug of orange juice?

7) I’d like another plate of ham and eggs, please.

8) Could I have another box of chocolates?

9) Could I have another cup of tea?

10) Have you got another box of pencils?​


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