Asel …… got blue eyes. A) have B) has C) haven’t 2. …... pencils are mine. A) these B) this C) that 3. There ……. any books in the bookcase. A) is B) aren’t C) isn’t 4. Are there ……. tables? A) some B) any C) - 5. …… Arman got a black car? A) have B) haven’t C) has 6. There is …… chair in the classroom. A) a B) an C) the

Янеж2005 Янеж2005    2   30.10.2020 07:20    1

kamfetisova201 kamfetisova201  29.11.2020 07:22

1. B) has

2. A) these

3. B) aren't

4. B) any

5. C) has

6. A) a

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