As a journalist, i’m asked to travel around the globe to all sorts of (1) countries. over the years, i’ve used different means of transport. of course, for long (2) flying is the fastest and safest way to ( far-off destination. unfortunately, i’m not a very organized traveller and despite my travel agent’s best efforts, (4) always goes wrong. last week, while i was heading for the airport, i realized i had left my passport at home. obviously, i had to go back so i asked the taxi driver to turn around and take me home. in the meantime, i crossed my fingers and hoped that i wouldn’t miss my ( . all the (, the driver was speeding in and out of traffic. he got even more carried ( he got on the motorway, ( at speeds of up to 150 kilometres per hour. by the time we arrived home, i was (9) state of shock and it took me a while to ( my breath. so, before driving off again, i decided to pay him (11) extra, so that he would go slower as we were bound ( have an accident 1. a. curious b. peculiar c. foreign d. strange 2. a. travels b. excursions c. tours d. trips 3. a. arrive b. reach c. get d. approach 4. a. anything b. something c. everything d. nothing 5. a. flight b. cruise c. trip d. journey 6. a. road b. way c. route d. direction 7. a. away b. on c. out d. along 8. a. moving b. travelling c. transferring d. transporting 9. a. at b. under c. on d. in 10. a. hold b. catch c. keep d. find 11. a. many b. a little c. a few d. some 12. a. to b. for c. in d. of

Bagdan112 Bagdan112    1   01.07.2019 00:20    22

Any0070 Any0070  24.07.2020 13:16

1 - С

2 - D

3 - B

4 - B

5 - A

6 -  B

7 - A

8 - A

9 - D

10 - B

11 - B

12 - A

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