Артикли, предлоги 1. ... Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in ... UK. a) - , the b) the, - c) the, the, d) -,- 2. ... Olga speaks ... English very well. a) - , the b) the, - c) the, the, d) -,- 3. The children like playing in ... garden, a) a b) an c) the d) - 4. I drink tea ... 5 o'clock. a) in b) at c)on d)to 5. There's a tunnel ... the river a) above b)under c)over d)on 6. He goes to school ... foot. a)on b)with c) by d)in

nataliyadydina nataliyadydina    2   25.06.2020 12:32    0

BearSlesher BearSlesher  15.10.2020 14:52

1. (с) the, the

2. (d) -,-

3. (c) the

4. (b) at

5. (b) under

6. (a) on


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