Aread the museum guide's description of the
painting on page 8. write the verbs in the present
as you can see, it 1 ss raining (rain) in this picture, and
most of the people 2_ (carry) umbrellas. the
two children on the night are the artist's daughters. they
(play) with a ball, and their mother (the
artist's wife) 4_ (watch) them dosely on the
left of the picture, a young man and a woman
5 (sit) at a café table they 6_ (not
talk), but i think they're happy together in the middle of
the picture is a woman she7_ (not/smile),
and she doesn't have an umbrella. what 8
(she / do)? maybe she 9 (wait) for her
boyfriend, and she (think) 'he's late, and
11_ (get) cold and wet! ​

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