Anything of value or a resource of value that can be converted into cash. ответ 1

A person who develops the skills and knowledge to effectively use digital technologies in order to participate responsibly in social and civic activities.

ответ 2

A technology-driven approach that utilizes Internet-connected machinery to monitor the production process.

ответ 3

A particular kind of theft, when an individual who is in a position of trust or responsibility over another person's property or money fraudulently takes that property or money for himself.

ответ 4

A company's plan for making a profit.

ответ 5

The branch of scientific or engineering knowledge that deals with the creation and practical use of digital or computerized devices, methods, systems, etc.

ответ 6

The process of converting information from a physical format into a digital one.

ответ 7

The use of digital technologies in order to be more productive, safer, and more creative.

ответ 8

The virtual computer world, and more specifically, is an electronic medium used to form a global computer network to facilitate online communication.

ответ 9

Crime that involves a computer and a network.

ответ 10

The process by which criminal proceeds are "cleaned" so that their illegal origins are hidden.

ответ 11

The modern society in adopting and integrating information and communication technologies at home, work, education and recreation.

ответ 12

All equipment and programs that are used to process and communicate information.

ответ 13

Computer experts who use their technical knowledge to achieve a certain goal, or overcome a certain obstacle, within a computerized system.

ответ 14

Any formal or informal system to manage data gathering, obtain and process the data, interpret the data, and provide reasoned judgments to decision makers as a basis for action.

ответ 15


Anything of value or a resource of value that can be converted into cash. ответ 1 A person who devel

danila9988p09k31 danila9988p09k31    3   01.11.2020 17:34    63

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