Answer the questions with your own ideas. Use the present perfect simple and just, still, yet and

1. Have you already decided what career you want in
the future?

2. Have you helped your parents at home recently?

3. What ambitions haven't you achived yet?

4. What adventure sports have you tried?

Kotuknarkotik Kotuknarkotik    3   13.11.2020 09:55    1

мопс73 мопс73  13.12.2020 14:04

1. yes, I've already decided what career I want in the future (I'd like to be a programmer and think this profession suits me).

//В принципе можно указать любу. другую профессию  вместо программиста.

2. yes, I've just helped them with household chores.

3. I've already achieved all ambitions I need.

4. I've only tried mountaineering, but still feel excited about it.


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